Element Desktop

Downloads for: Windows macOS Linux

After a desktop installation, make sure to use the existing account not to create a new account on another server. Here the example of Element:

Selected login button in the element matrix client Selected login button in the element matrix client

This is done by clicking on Change. Then you will not accidentally end up on the wrong server…

Change login page with focus on the homeserver button Change login page with focus on the homeserver button

Now you can manually specify the home server according to the following table:

Institution Server
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft matrixchat.mpg.de
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen chat.uni-goettingen.de
Universitätsmedizin Göttingen chat.umg.eu
GWDG matrix.gwdg.de
Academic Cloud chat.academiccloud.de

Input field to change the home server with the input tu-dresden.de Input field to change the home server with the input tu-dresden.de

Now the usual login process will start.

By activating the slider under Settings > Settings > “Automatic start after system login”, the element client starts after every reboot and you no longer miss any notifications due to accidentally closing the browser tab in the usage variant with the Web App.

settings marked with the dot start automatically after system startup settings marked with the dot start automatically after system startup